Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Angels and Demons

When I was a child I believed in Angels.
Shining creatures with wonderful wings,
Fighting the ugly Evil monsters.
But when I grow up
I still believe in Angels,
But ..., But I was wrong,
Not every angel is fancy,
Many of them have ugly faces
with full of scares.
broken, fallen, wounded
In the battles, they fought against Evil.
In first glance, you might despise them.
But what about demons?
I have a question for you too.
Did you know Lucifer aka The Devil,
Used to be The God's Favorite Angel?
Ahh, you didn't know?
Ohh My friend
I suggest you Listen
To the whisper of the Darkness,
The Songs of the moon,
The touch of Cold night wind,
a bit more closely.
It has a story to say